ESD risks in industrial environments


  • Dag Stranneby

The risks caused by Electrostatic discharges (ESD), where electronic components may be damaged in Electronic production and testing facilities, are well known. ESD however, also presents problems and major risk in many other industrial environments, for instance Chemical Process plants. This presentation is an overview of ESD related problems in general. Introduction Electrostatic charging of objects has been known for a long time back in history. The first documented findings goes back to the Greek Thales of Miletus, 600 BC [1]. After rubbing an object made of amber, paper shavings or other lightweight items, were attracted by the object. The Greek word for amber, ήλεκτρον electron, was the source of the word 'electricity'. When an electrostatic charge is unintentionally discharged, which may cause a spark, an ESD (Electro Static Discharge) is taking place. In many everyday situations, this may be an unpleasant surprise, but will not be harmful. If, on the other hand, the ESD is taking place in an environment where delicate electronic systems or components are present, problems may be apparent. Three well known scenarios may appear: Firstly, the discharge current causes an electromagnetic pulse, which by EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference) may upset digital computerized equipment, requiring a restart to work properly again. Secondly, today ́s semiconductor component technology, uses structures in the tens of nanometer size. Even a modest current pulse may cause considerable damage to the internal structure. A minor ESD damage to a chip, may render it still operable, but with a strongly degraded lifetime. This latent problem will not be detected in a final inspection, but will be discovered later, by the customer... Thirdly, a major ESD damage may be catastrophic and damage the component completely. ESD is a creeping risk. Discharging voltages smaller than 3000 V (may produce a 1 mm spark in dry air) will not be felt by a human being. Discharging voltages smaller than 5000 V will not be heard, and smaller than 10000 V will not be seen in daylight. So, an electrically charged person, touching things, may cause considerable damage, without knowing. The above mentioned risks are well known for people working in Electronic production and testing facilities, but there are other risks associated with ESD, such as for instance ignition of dust or flammable fumes. This will be the topic of the rest of this paper. Causes of electrostatic charge There are basically five ways to create electrostatic charge: Contact-induced charge separation This process is also called the Triboelectric effect. Two different materials being in contact with each other being rubbed, or simply separated may cause electrification. For instance pulling a Scotch tape from a surface may cause electrical charging. Different materials have different tendencies to loose or gain electrons. This will govern the charging polarity of the two materials involved according to the Triboelectric series (figure 1). For example, combing your hair using a vinyl comb, will make your hair positively charged while the comb will be negatively charged. The selection of materials and combinations of materials is an important issue, if electrostatic charges are not desired. It is worth mentioning that flowing powder or fluids rubs the inside of a tube or hose, and may thus get electrically charged. + Most positively charged 0 no charge Polyurethane foam Wood Hair Amber Nylon, dry skin Polystyrene Glass Resins Acrylic, Lucite Nickel, copper Leather Sulfur Quartz Acetate, Rayon Mica Polyester Lead Styrene Cat ́s fur Plastic wrap Silk Polyethylene (Scotch tape) Aluminum Vinyl Paper Teflon Cotton Ebonite 0 no charge Most negatively charged Figure 1: Triboelectric series (short form) The propensity of Triboelectric charging to occur, depends on the properties of the surfaces involved. One important factor in this case is the Relative Humidity (RH) of the surrounding air. In dry air (low RH) Triboelectric charging will be more likely than in a moist environment (high RH). Relative Humidity depends of the pressure and temperature of the water vapor in the air. The relationships between these quantities can be found in Psychometric charts, e g. The Mollier diagram. Example, for RH = 100% lowering the temperature will cause the water vapor to condensate, and water droplets to form causing haze or mist. Maintaining a high RH can lower the probability of electrostatic charging to occur, but may result in other problems like mold and corrosion. Pressure-induced charge separation Also known as the Piezoelectric effect. Certain crystals, ceramics and biological matter such as bone and proteins, produce electrical charge in response to applied mechanical stress. Thousands of volts can be achieved. The process is reversible in the sense that an applied voltage can, to some extent, deform the original dimensions of a crystal structure. The Piezoelectric effect is used in as well sensors and microphones, as in actuators and loudspeakers. The most common application is ignition source for cigarette lighters and push-start propane barbecues. Heat-induced charge separation The Pyroelectric effect. This effect can be found in some materials generating temporary voltage when heated or cooled, due to polarization changes in the crystal structure. The effect was first discovered in minerals such at tourmaline, but can also be found in bone and tendon. All pyroelectric materials are also piezoelectric. The reverse is however not true. Artificial pyroelectric materials have been created out of for instance gallium nitride, caesium nitrate and lithium tantalate. The latter has been used in small-scale nuclear fusion experiments ('pyroelectric fusion'). Unfortunately, at present, the fusion process requires more energy than it creates. Charge-induced charge separation Also known as electrostatic induction (not to be confused with electromagnetic induction). In this case, an object may be electrically charged by redistribution of charges, caused by influence from nearby charges, not being in electrical contact with the object. Electrostatic induction was demonstrated in 1753 by John Canton, and in 1762 by the Swedish professor Johan Carl Wilcke [2]. The Wimshurst machine, the Van de Graaff generator and other electrostatic generators relies on the principle of electrostatic induction. Direct charge transfer In this case, the electric charge is due to a transport of charges (electrical current) to an object over a conductive path. In a sense, it is not a matter of charge separation, rather charge redistribution and can only take place in conductive objects. The most common mechanism, where undesired electrical charges are produced, is probably the Triboelectric effect. Many trivial everyday activities may cause undesired electrification, some examples can be found in figure 2. Event Relative humidity 10% 40% 55% Walking across carpet 35000 V 15000 V 7500 V Walking across vinyl floor 12000 V 5000 V 3000 V Worker at bench 6000 V 800 V 400 V Rise from urethane foam chair 18000 V 8000 V 1500 V Figure 2: Triboelectric charge levels, [3] Conditions for ignition Assume we have flammable vapors present in the air, caused by handling of some chemical compound, e.g. gasoline, methane or solvents. Under what circumstances may a spark, caused by an undesired electrostatic discharge (ESD), ignite the mixture? To start with, to obtain vapors from a flammable liquid, the temperature has to be above the flash point, which differs for different liquids. Some examples of flash points are shown in figure 3. Liquid Flash point Ethanol 16° C Gasoline -43° C Diesel >62° C Jet Fuel >62° C Kerosene >38° C Figure 3: Flash point for some liquids From figure 3 it can for instance be seen, that Diesel cannot be ignited at room temperature (20° C), while Gasoline certainly can. Now let us assume that we have a temperature above the flash point, so vaporization is possible. An explosive mixture has a flammable range, in which it can be ignited. Flammable range refers to the percentage of a flammable liquid in gaseous state, to air. The flammable range is limited upwards by the Upper Flammable Limit (UFL), and downwards by the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), se figure 4. As can be seen from the figure, both UFL and LFL are dependent of the temperature. Figure 4: The flammable range as function of temperature If the mixture is above the UFL, it is said to be rich, and it cannot burn, because there are too few oxygen molecules. This is typically the case in a gasoline tank. There is too much vapor compared to air for the mixture to burn. If on the other hand, the mixture is below LFL, it is lean. There are too few fuel molecules compared to oxygen molecules for the mixture to burn. If you for instance try to start your car on a really cold winter morning, the engine will not start because the fuel/air-mixture is too lean (below the LFL). Increasing the fuel vapor content (using the choke lever, if not automatic), will bring the mixture above the LFL, and the engine will start. To the right in figure 4, there is a solid line depicting the autoignition temperature. This is the temperature at which the mixture will ignite spontaneously in normal atmosphere, without any external ignition source. There is a minimum temperature, about midpoint between the LFL and UFL [4]. At this point we find the Stoichiometric mixture, i.e. the "optimum" mixture having just the perfect ratio between fuel molecules and oxygen molecules. This mixture is the most sensitive one to ignite, requiring as little energy as possible. This energy is called the Minimum ignition energy (MIE), commonly measured in Joule. To summarize: The greatest risk of causing an explosion or fire as a result of an electrostatic discharge, is that we have a Stoichiometric mixture, and that the spark contains energy equal to or greater than MIE. This may sound as a number of ifs... but experience shows that good old Murphy will fulfill all the conditions, sooner or later... Let us conclude this discussion with a numerical example. Gasoline has a MIE of about 0.22 mJ. One millijoule (mJ) how much is that? To put things in a context, see figure 5. Event Typical energy content Grinding sparks 1 10 mJ Electrically charged person 10 50 mJ Electric arc when switching of a lamp 1 5 J Welding spark 10 30 J Burning match 5000 J Figure 5: Typical energy content at some events Assume we have spilled gasoline on our garage floor and happens to have a Stoichiometric mixture in the room. To what voltage do we need to be electrically charged to risk an explosion? A person can in this case be viewed as a capacitor. The energy E in a capacitor can be expressed as: EE = CCVV 2 2 yyyyyyyyyy ss �⎯⎯⎯� VV = � CC (1) where V is the voltage and C is the capacitance, typically 100 pF for a person. Inserting numbers into (1) yields: VV = � CC = � −3 100∙10−12 ≈ 2100 VV (2) Looking in figure 2, we realize that a minor stroll over a vinyl floor and touching a grounded object may turn our garage into a carport in a jiffy. Related problems caused by electrostatic charges Undesired electrostatic charges may cause a lot of other problems, maybe not as catastrophic as explosions and fires, but quite annoying. The problems associated with electronics will not be discussed here, since it is probably well known to almost everybody today. Handling large amounts of paper in e.g. paper mills, archives and printing offices may give rise to problems if the relative humidity is not under control. A too dry environment will cause paper sheets to stick to each other and feeding mechanism to fail (especially true for transparencies). Too damp air will make the paper curl. Manufacturers of plastic film will experience frequent problems, since part of their production lines act as giant van der Graaff generators. Electrostatic techniques are used in certain air cleaners to trap dust particles. If you have an old time TV set or computer display with a high voltage picture tube, you know quite well that dust will be collected effectively. Flying, especially in clouds, will charge the aircraft fuselage. If the statics dischargers are not working properly, the discharge process will take place using the radio antennas, causing considerable interference on communication and navigational devices. NASA now and then cancels launches, if the launch vehicle is predicted to pass through certain types of clouds. Finally, already 1752, Benjamin Franklin tried to do something about the ultimate ESD problem: Thunder and lightning.

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